Do Cats Recognize Their Name? A Happy Cat Expert Explains


November 29, 2023

Ginger cat sitting on owner’s lap
It is well known that dogs have a remarkable ability to understand a variety of spoken words, commands, and intonation of voice from humans. Along with this, they can readily discriminate between...

Why Does My Cat Climb The Curtains?


November 29, 2023

Ginger tabby cat pawing at the curtains
How many times have you heard the familiar sound of claws rasping on fabric and, before you have a chance to react, your cat has managed to climb halfway up the curtains?...

What Time Of Day Do Cats Sleep The Most?


November 29, 2023

Sleeping grey cat
Cats are intriguing, mystifying creatures, and not least of all when we’re discussing their sleeping patterns. How many hours a day do cats sleep? When do they snooze the most? And when...

Why Do Cats Shiver?


November 16, 2023

Cat being fed by owner.
Cats are mysterious, enigmatic creatures, and their lifestyles can often be mystifying to us humans! Yet some of their behavior can be surprisingly human-like too. Have you ever noticed your cat trembling...

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