Happy Cat Expert: 8 Cat Litter Tray Tips


November 18, 2022

Happy Cat Expert: 8 Cat Litter Tray Tips
For many owners, litter trays are a necessary part of cat ownership. But when cats aren’t comfortable using the trays provided, this can cause toileting in areas cat caregivers find inappropriate. There are...

Why Do Cats Slow Blink? A Happy Cat Expert Explains!


November 18, 2022

Why Do Cats Slow Blink? A Happy Cat Expert Explains!
Have you ever seen your cat slow blinking at you? Did you know this is a way cats communicate with us?  Have you tried blinking back at them? How Cats Communicate Domestic cats...

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Happy Cat Experts

Happy Cat Expert: How to Feed Cats in a Multi-Cat Household


November 18, 2022

Happy Cat Expert: How to Feed Cats in a Multi-Cat Household
If you have more than one cat in your house or are thinking of introducing a new feline friend into your family, you may be wondering if they will be happy to...

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