How To Train Your Kitten to be a Lap Cat, 9 Tips


October 21, 2022

How To Train Your Kitten to be a Lap Cat, 9 Tips
What can be nicer than cosying up with your favourite kitten or cat curled up on your lap? But, be prepared, not all cats are natural lap cats! Our kitties are independent...

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Which is the Best FELIWAY Product for my Cat and Me?


October 21, 2022

Which is the Best FELIWAY Product for my Cat and Me?
Cats are creatures of habit. They like their routine, need their space, and want to have everything just where they like it - from their favourite hiding spots and toys, to their...

Controlling Kitty Claws! Tips to Cut Your Cat's Nails


October 21, 2022

Controlling Kitty Claws! Tips to Cut Your Cat's Nails
As a wonderful pet owner, you take care of your kitty’s every need to make sure things are perfect for them! From ensuring they have plenty of space to wander, to a...

When Indoor Cats Want to Go Outside


October 21, 2022

When Indoor Cats Want to Go Outside
Unfortunately, it is not possible for all cats to have access to the outdoors! From safety to preference and more - there are lots of reasons to keep a cat inside. A...

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