Expert Q&A: Moving to a New Home With A Cat


October 21, 2022

moving home with a cat
Moving to a new home with your cat is a BIG deal for you and the cat. Try and see it from their point of view… Their home is their sanctuary. They’ve...

11 Tips to adopt an adult Cat, and Support a Purrfect Home


October 21, 2022

11 Tips to adopt an adult Cat, and Support a Purrfect Home
If you’re thinking about adopting a feline friend, an adult cat can be a great addition to the family! Cats are living longer thanks to improvements in healthcare and better diet so...

How to Stop A Neutered Cat From Spraying


October 21, 2022

How to Stop A Neutered Cat From Spraying
Has your purrfect pal started to spray and urine mark around your home? While cats of all types, males and female (neutered and unneutered) can spray, neutering and spaying tends to greatly reduce...

Posted in

cat spraying

13 Ways to tell if a Cat is Purrrfectly Happy!

by: karim koaik

October 13, 2022

13 Ways to tell if a Cat is Purrrfectly Happy!
Do you sometimes wonder how happy your cat is? Cats are independent creatures and sometimes they can give you the impression that they are quite happy with their own company, and can...

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